Hanley has big shoes to fill at UPCM | News, Sports, Jobs - The Mining Journal

2022-10-11 03:24:52 By : Mr. David Chang

The Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum has been a staple for Marquette families as well as area visitors for over 25 years. Since the museum founders opened the facility doors in 1997 countless children have streamed through them to learn and grow.

UPCM is a community-minded place that teaches children a number of facets of a successful society. That’s why we think Jessica Hanley is an excellent choice to step into the role of executive director.

The U.P. native has proven though her work on the Marquette City Commission that she is both a community and a family advocate. According to Hanely’s campaign website her sense of community was instilled in her by her parents during her upbringing in the Copper Country.

It seems Hanley is uniquely positioned, as a parent of a young child herself in combination with well-established U.P. roots, to guide the museum into the next decade.

But there is no doubt the Northern Michigan University Alumna has big shoes to fill. Nheena Weyer Ittner has set an exemplary blueprint for the next person who fills the executive director role.

We have said before that Weyer Ittner personifies the values that come with a supportive, tight-knit community.

Her endeavors have not been strictly tied to UPCM either. She most recently has been at the forefront of an effort to create an all-inclusive playground at Ellwood Mattson Lower Harbor Park. Her goal is to make those amenities accessible to every child, regardless of their physical capabilities.

Hanley is a logical choice to succeed Ittner because she has already established herself in the community, not only as a commissioner, but as a general manager of Jeffrey’s Restaurant over the last 10 years. She is a familiar presence that has thus-far proven herself vested in the U.P. values of hard work, helping one’s neighbor, and trying to make things better.

Hanley said she is “very excited and extremely honored” to step into the role of UPCM executive director.

And as she says on her campaign web page, she may not be typical, but she loves the community, and we suspect that includes the children who live in it.

We wish Hanley the best of luck as she takes on her new adventure. There is a legacy to carry on of educating and entertaining every child who walks through the museum’s doors. It takes a special type of person to want to carry that forward.

As for Weyer-Ittner, we thank her for teaching, guiding and entertaining generations of children over her 25-year tenure at UPCM. We truly hope she enjoys her retirement.

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